Mohamed Heiza
Mr. Mohamed R Heiza / Tea Consultant, Egypt

Mr. Heiza has vast experience of more than 53 years in the field of International Trade with special emphasis on Tea Sector and most of the Tropical Crops .

For long time has been associated with the Tea Board of India, Indian Tea Association, UPASI (United Planters Association of South India) & EATTA ( East African Tea Trade Association ) to assist most of the Tea Trade both in Egypt & Arab Countries and rendering Consultations and Market studies to Well established Brands and new Comers ; also He renders all services to Kenyan and Ugandan Tea Companies who want access in the Egyptian tea market.

Most of The International Tea Forums He is invited as one of The Tea Testers and Main Pannel Speakers ; to enumerate few but not all ; Lately in August 2022 ( ) and latest was held on April 2023 The Global Dubai Tea Forum organized by DMCC (

He has served as Director of The Egyptian Trade Centers in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Indonesia between 1974 and 1991. In 1983, he was selected by GATT/UNCTAD, Geneva as Professional Marketing Specialist with short term missions in Africa & Asia.
In 1992, he started his own business. He was also associated with ‘Dilmah’ Tea for 5 years in Egypt.

With growing imports of Tea into Egypt from Africa and for past 15 years ; started to promote Imports of African Tea (Kenya , Uganda mainly ) by assisting all new Tea Importers with no previous experience to assist them to source Tea from Mother Africa with COMMESA Countries.

Mr. Heiza is Honors in Agro-Economics from Alexandria University 1971 , Egypt and MBA from American University, Cairo 1992. He did Professional Course in Tea Tasting from Brooke Bond and Lipton in Kolkata in 1973. From time to time he has visited tea gardens in Assam and South India ; Ugandan and Kenyan Tea plantations as well as Regional Auction Centers
Currently doing FREE Lance consultations in Tea in Egypt.

Side by side ; Mr. Heiza was selected by many National and International F&B. Fair Organizers as Promoter and Influencer to attract new and old Attendees for those Events ; to enumerate Few and not all :

  1. HKTDC F&B Fairs ( Hong Kong Trade Development Corp.) .
  5. CIBUSTECH- Parma /ITALY .
  6. SISAB – Lisbon /Portugal . Now replaced by SAGAL EXPO.

Regularly attending Major Fairs World wide to cover His MISR VISION other Machinery supplies and Agency Representation for TOMRA Sorting ( Belgium) and other famous Brands ; through attending specialized Fairs Like :

  • A) ANUGA & ANUGATECH. Koln / Germany
  • B) INTERPACK -Dusseldorf /Germany
  • C) S.I.A.L – Paris /France
  • D) FRUITLOGISTICA -Berlin/ Germany
  • E) FRUIT ATTRACTION Madrid /Spain
  • F) FANCY FOOD – New York. USA,
  • G) WORLD TEA EXPO- Las Vegas /U.S.A. For Tea activities